Unconventional Success

Longevity over likes - Are you putting too much energy into engagement rather that creating a sustainable business?

January 15, 2024 Episode 118

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I'm gonna go right ahead and say it - the amount of engagement you have on a social media post is not a good measure of how well your business is doing.

So why do you focus so much time and energy into getting more likes?

In this episode we explore why we've been unintentionally sucked into quick business wins, rather than creating a sustainable business model that suits your unique preferences so you have LONGEVITY in business.

The benefits to crafting a sustainable business are endless - it feels easier, you give your strategies time to work, your brand and reputation is built over time and your customers get to know you so well, that when they're ready, they'll choose you.

L E T ' S C O N N E C T !
> Instagram: @tiffanydawson_
> LinkedIn: Tiffany Dawson
> Twitter: @_tiffanydawson_
> Website: www.tiffanydawson.co