Unconventional Success

Permission to be a lazy-girl entrepreneur

November 29, 2023 Episode 114

Here's my secret to not failing in business: Be more lazy as an entrepreneur.

While everyone else is waking up at 5am, adding 5 people a day on LinkedIn, having a different content strategy for Instagram and LinkedIn... I'm here trying to make things as EASY and simple as possible.

While these may be best practises - I just know that I don't want to spend my time that way and if I force myself to, I'll end up resenting showing up on social media and maybe even risking throwing in the towel in business all together.

Playing the long game is the most important aspect of success in business that doesn't get talked about enough. So in being more lazy and doing things how I prefer to do them, I'm helping myself have longevity in entrepreneurship.

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L E T ' S C O N N E C T !
> Instagram: @tiffanydawson_
> LinkedIn: Tiffany Dawson
> Twitter: @_tiffanydawson_
> Website: www.tiffanydawson.co